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How to choose your glasses when you are myopic ?


How to choose your glasses when you are myopic ?

If you are myopic, you don't choose your glasses at random! Your habits, your requirements, your style, but also your age, your degree of myopia, and even its possible progression, are all criteria that will determine your choice of lenses and frames. Lenses, although invisible, are a real concentrate of technology. To choose them correctly, your lenses must meet 3 criteria: 

1. Correct your vision, thanks to a very complex geometry that not only responds exactly to your visual prescription, but also to all your needs and lifestyles.
2. Protect your eyes from potentially harmful light (UV, blue light, glare) thanks to technologies that help preserve your visual health.
3. Enhance your look with surface treatments that make lenses more transparent and less messy. Against reflections, fingerprints, etc., choose the best coatings for lenses that will provide you with maximum comfort.
A few decisive points for all myopes :
1. When you are myopic, you expect at least to get out of the blur in the distance, but you also want high-resolution vision that provides precision in details and reliefs and is adapted to all situations. Not all corrective lens geometries are created equal. For example, an Eyezen® lens corrects myopia, our distance vision, but, unlike an ordinary lens, it is also designed for our connected life, and therefore our need for comfort in near vision.
2. When you are myopic, the corrective lenses are concave, i.e. they are thicker at the edge than in the centre. If you are concerned about the aesthetic appearance of your glasses, as well as your eyes behind the lenses, you should consider thinned lenses with a high index, which limit the thickness of the lens and the optical effect of shrinking the eye. The thickness of a thinned lens can be reduced by up to 40% compared to an ordinary lens (comparison of the thickness of two Essilor lenses with the same prescription and different indices).

As far as frames are concerned, all styles are accessible to short-sighted people as long as they follow these few tips:

Your myopia is slight, below 1.5 dioptres. The good news is that there are no restrictions on your choice of frames. Drilled frames, extra-wide frames, metal frames, acetate frames... You are spoilt for choice!
Your myopia is average, up to 6 dioptres. Thanks to thinned lenses, the choice of a frame remains very open to match the style you like. Some frames make it easier to hide any unsightly thickness. Examples: a reasonably sized frame that allows the optician to trim the thickest edge of the optical lens, or an acetate frame with thick edges to hide the edge of the lens.

 Spec lens designs for myopia controlyn1

Different types of glasses lens that have been shown to slow progression of myopia. Executive type bifocals (left) have shown a moderate effect in slowing progression of myopia. The Essilor Stellest lens (middle) and Hoya MiYOSMART lens (right) are specially designed for myopia progression and have been shown to offer the highest currently possible efficacy for myopia control, ranking alongside ortho-k and some soft contact lens designs for myopia control.